Thursday, January 20, 2005

The things I do for you

Major challenge today - my first meal out on this diet. I went to the Wallace Collection this morning - a lovely collection of works of art hidden behind Oxford Street. (My favourite painting, curiously enough, was on the subject of food - but all healthy stuff.)

I then had lunch in the Café Bagatelle in the glazed courtyard of the museum, where I was challenged by a delicious sounding menu. Oooh the sea bass sounded delicious - but the butter-ridden cherry tomato tarte tatin which accompanied it was a no no. Then there was stuffed chicken - its potato dauphinoise ruled that one out - cream, cream and more cream. The pasta had walnuts with it - urgh. The chorizo and crab risotto could have been a safe bet - but could also have been calories on legs. You'd have been proud of me though. I spotted a starter which could also be served as a main course. Sounded promising - gravadlax with a fennel, orange and mint salad. So I ordered it. And although presenting an interesting combination of flavours, it certainly failed to score high on calories - being 90% fennel and offering just 3 strips of salmon! My did I feel deprived...

Needless to say, I had a second lunch on my way home. I can, however, report that I've stuck to my calories today - I have a whole 22 left. And I'm going to go to bed now, before I succumb to the urge to raid the food cupboard.