Thursday, January 20, 2005

Week 2

This week's weight loss - 2 lbs. I should be happy because this is what I'm aiming for on a weekly basis. But I'm not. Because I do what they say you shouldn't do and weigh myself every day. And I'd lost more than that 2 days ago. Grrr....! But weight fluctuates for all sorts of reasons, so I'll grin and bear it. I think.

It's certainly more of a Celebrity Fit Club than a You Are What You Eat sort of moment as I'm yet to experience a significant increase in energy and zest. But I'm sure that's on its way...

Diet Graph 20 Jan

And in case you missed it, here's a handbag of women vicars on why they want to make poverty history. Do you suppose they haven't noticed that the Vicar of Dibley is a tiny bit fictional?