Round the World in 19 Days
Well I'm back! Most of me is anyway. I suspect my brain can be found floating somewhere over Mongolia and I left a bit of my heart in New Zealand. Unfortunately my stomach has remained with me steadfastly throughout my trip and has resulted in a 4lb weight gain. Chasing sheep was insufficient exercise to cope with the effects of lashings of good food and excellent wine consumed in superb company.
Back to work tomorrow - may be interesting as I've been awake since 3.30am today and am likely to be asleep by dusk. Body clocks are a bizarre phenomenon. Especially as mine is making me crave evil carbohydrates at unusual times of the day and night.
One wise friend pointed out when I started this diet that I should view it as a marathon (perhaps even an ironman?) rather than a sprint. Well that's no longer the case. I've got to pull out all the stops from now on - there's only 81 days to go until Boxing Day and 42 pounds to lose. Almost impossible but I'll give it my best shot!
Pray silence for The Return of the Graph... (Is it just me or does it look like a pair of sugar tongs?)

Inside some of us is a thin person struggling to get out, but they can usually be sedated with a few pieces of chocolate cake.
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