Sorry for the delay. Lost a pound last week. No snow here yet - thank god. Found a Major Pratt in the 1861 census today - that gave me a giggle. Can't think of anything else to report. Over and out...
A sponsored slimming endeavour in support of ActionAid's work with victims of poverty and of the Tsunami Disaster.
Sorry for the delay. Lost a pound last week. No snow here yet - thank god. Found a Major Pratt in the 1861 census today - that gave me a giggle. Can't think of anything else to report. Over and out...
I'm not really sure what happened to the last two posts which you (i.e. my one avid reader and the two or three others who drop by now and then) have obviously been expecting. I can only assume I ate them... along with everything else. Apologies for the silence which, as you will have guessed, indicates no weight loss at all - and indeed one pound gained this last week. Actually, it's a bit of a surprise I haven't put on more than I have - but that's not much help to one and all.