Week 29
Would somebody please explain to me where exactly these weeks are going?! Whizz - and there goes another one...
It's been a good one from the diet perspective. Everyone's support has got me back on track. I know that, without the pressure to maintain this blog and confess my transgressions, this diet would have gone the way of previous ones by now and I'd probably have put back on the 2.5 stones I'd lost for good measure.
This week I have fallen in love - with rose harissa. Some smells are just better than sex - freshly torn basil, the richest most intense tomatoey sauce, and, now, rose harissa. Its pungent aroma certainly provides the only sunshine apparently available in this particular English "summer".
Pickled lemons are also rather wonderful - another substance I've encountered in a mission to add flavour to my diet. It seems you just use the peel, which is salty and intensely lemony - lovely.
But I believe the secret to this week's diet success is a highly nutritious, yummy dish of intense puy lentils which I have adorned with various griddled fishes - it's really helped fill me up and made me feel indulged rather than deprived.
All this busyness in the kitchen, renewed walking and determination has resulted in another 5lbs loss this week. The next challenge is keeping on track during two weekends away - I will, of course, let you know how I get on.

Whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger. Not lifting weights doesn't kill me. Therefore, not lifting weights makes me stronger.
John Alejandro King