Week 24
Well, dear readers, I really think the motivation may be back with me as of two days ago. Unfortunately I'd put on some more weight before then but I've taken that off again and one more pound so I'm heading back in the right direction.
My generous mother offered a bottle of bubbly for the best suggestion for revitalising my motivation. There are a number of suggestions which warrant commendation:
- Peter's list of great ideas which include the purchase of some really expensive and desirous garment in a smaller size, a shiny medal, and the fact that I can't let Mr friskypockets win
- e's threat of enforced jogging and belief in the power of nagging
- Philip's gleeful offer of horrible violence if I fail
- Karen's proposal that the rhythm method might be effective - at least I think that's what she said
- Billy's diversionary rant about popular music - presumably designed to make me lose weight as fast as possible so I can close this blog down...
Rest assured, we have the perfect solution. A trip to NZ. Honestly, a bit of fresh air and the pounds will fall off. Failing that, we'll have a da*m good time and drink to excess. Has to be done. That is all.
I will be presenting Suzanne with her reward in late September and, if she asks particularly nicely, I may even help her consume it.

It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues.
President Abraham Lincoln
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