Week 16
It took me 4 weeks to lose the first stone and 6 for the second to be history. Another 6 weeks has seen me up, down and roundabout - there's nothing wrong with my metabolism, just something amiss with my willpower. Dropping a dress size (or two) has made me feel fitter and more comfortable and I wonder if I'm being hampered by failing to believe I actually can be slim. So, you've heard it here first, I WILL BE SLIM! (So there, Mr Frisky Pockets... :op)
This week has been another of ups and downs. It started off with further indulgences (well it was my birthday!) which even a lengthy and beautiful walk round Wakehurst Place failed to mitigate. A totally delicious Sunday lunch ended this period of aberration and I am delighted to say that I'm now back on the brussel sprouts. However, I would like to point out to the commenter who suggested that I should eat masses of raw veg, that it will take everyone at least doubling their sponsorship for me to undergo such torture...!
I've lost the 5 pounds that I put on last week, so I'm back on track. I've upped my exercise again and that always seems to make a huge difference.
Billy has proposed some colour therapy, suggesting that my previous graph may have been holding me back. So you see below his suggestion for a graph which will generate the right karma. Next thing we'll know he'll be appearing on the front cover of Heat magazine - "Diet Counsellor to the Stars - Posh loses 3 stone on Billy's Colour Diet and falls down a crack in the pavement"!!

Forget love... I'd rather fall in chocolate!
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