Week 15
Bad news this week. I am now resembling this object (only nowhere near as streamlined)...

I have gained a staggering 5 pounds in the last week. I'm afraid I have reverted to my old habit of treating food as a comfort blanket. A distinctly stressful week at work has resulted in "treatment" being applied in the form of cheese and ham sandwiches, meatballs, cheese and bacon grills and cordon bleu chicken - all accompanied by lashings of creamy mash... I have steered clear of sweet stuff, however, which is a small mercy.

The good news is that I have just been offered a new job (still with my current employers) which I really, really want! So an excellent reason to have a fresh start with the diet as well.
I've been on a constant diet for the last two decades. I've lost a total of 789 pounds. By all accounts, I should be hanging from a charm bracelet.
Erma Bombeck
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