Week 19
This week Google decided in its infinite wisdom to start indexing this blog. I would therefore like to welcome the trickle of complete strangers who have stumbled upon these pages over the last few days. Take a seat, put your feet up and, most importantly, get out your cheque book. My total pledge amount hasn't budged for weeks!
Two people have arrived by asking Google "how to lose 8 pounds in a week". One fantasist wanted to increase that to 10 pounds - I can tell you now the only way to do that is to get gastroenteritis or to cut off a non-essential limb.
This week I expect an influx of those searching on "how to gain a pound in a week and feel really pissed off about it". When you arrive, I'll have the chocolate hobnobs out and waiting for you...
Endurance is one of the most difficult disciplines, but it is to the one who endures that the final victory comes.
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