Week 12
This week the friend and commenter affectionately known as Deranged of Dublin has suggested that I am, in fact, a womble.

Little did he know what a procession of disaster his innocent observation would cause.
After a full scientific analysis it turns out that I don't need to lose any weight at all! I am a perfect shape for a womble. However, I do need to lose 5 feet in height. I'm hardly going to lose those by cutting out chocolate, so now I need an entirely new strategy. Non-gory ideas on a postcard (or in the comments box) please...
Anyway, prior to this complete change of tack I would have been very happy to mention that I've lost another 2 pounds, meaning there would have been just 3 stone 11 pounds to go - doesn't that sound better than 6?
Time for another movie methinks.

I'm in shape. Round is a shape... isn't it?