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A cucumber should be well sliced, and dressed with pepper and vinegar, and then thrown out, as good for nothing.
Dr Samuel Johnson
A sponsored slimming endeavour in support of ActionAid's work with victims of poverty and of the Tsunami Disaster.
This is getting boring - and it's only week 3! I've lost another 2lbs - which again is less than I hoped. I have, however, tightened up on the diet in the last couple of days. I realised I was picking and choosing the bits of the rules I liked - a high daily calorie intake, plus being allowed to eat the calories I "earn" in exercise, wasn't working. So I've reduced my basic calorie allowance to about 1500 calories and anything I eat over that I have to work for.
OK - I know I said I don't cook, but I'm keen to stimulate my tastebuds as part of this diet. I don't want to exist on "diet food" which is not only divorced from calories and fat but also from all flavour. I remember having an amazing black-eyed bean curry in a restaurant many years ago - full of earthy flavour and comforting on a cold day like today. Can anyone provide me with a good recipe for such a dish?
Major challenge today - my first meal out on this diet. I went to the Wallace Collection this morning - a lovely collection of works of art hidden behind Oxford Street. (My favourite painting, curiously enough, was on the subject of food - but all healthy stuff.)
This week's weight loss - 2 lbs. I should be happy because this is what I'm aiming for on a weekly basis. But I'm not. Because I do what they say you shouldn't do and weigh myself every day. And I'd lost more than that 2 days ago. Grrr....! But weight fluctuates for all sorts of reasons, so I'll grin and bear it. I think.
Warning - serious post follows. For those of an unfailingly humourous disposition, please look away now...
Well, seven days have passed and I've eaten 11,626 calories (averaging 1,660 each day). I've gone from having about 10 portions of fruit and vegetables a week to munching on over 60. I've walked 11 miles and cycled 7 miles over and above what I would have covered prior to the New Year. And, I've had no alcohol!!
While we are waiting (weighting?) in eager anticipation for the weigh-in on Thursday, I wonder if anyone can resolve something which has puzzled me for some time. Does one weigh more having breathed in - or less? Air has a weight, but does it add buoyancy to someone standing on the scales - or just increase the reading? Answers by Thursday morning please, so I know whether to breathe in or out...
I see my public is demanding an update - all one of her. And so, despite my promise not to go all Bridget Jones, we have:
A number of you have asked for proof that I weigh the amount that I stated earlier (and which is now unmentionable). So for you doubters here it is...
Well that feels better. One day down - only 352 to go... For those of you bothered by the prospect of me existing on lettuce leaves, a few facts and figures. Please don't worry - I don't intend this to turn into a Bridget Jones type inventory on a daily basis. This is just to give you an idea.
The pledges are going up and my weight is going down! I'm sure I've lost a couple of ounces since this morning... Just wanted to announce that 20 extremely generous people have now pledged between them
Right. This is it. The moment of humiliation. The moment I admit to weighing as much as two (slender) well-nourished women, never mind how many times more than a person living in extreme poverty.
I'm reeling from today. I knew that I knew masses of generous people, but I certainly didn't expect the level of commitment you've made to my endeavour. I'm thrilled to announce that, as of now I have received pledges of
The diet starts tomorrow - 6 January. I shall post my starting weight tomorrow morning (and a "before" photo as soon as I work out how to do so). I think I owe this information to those of you who are prepared to pay out - despite the embarrassment involved! I shall be counting calories using the Weight Loss Resources site and shall also increase my exercise - walking and using an exercise bike. I expect to lose the first stone in a few weeks but thereafter anticipate losing half a stone each month - a safe rate of weight loss. Wish me luck!
There are two aspects to sponsoring me over the coming months - pledges and payments.
Hello and welcome to my new blog.